“I am pleased we were able to work together to finally get rid of this antiquated law that needlessly infringed on citizens’ rights and put knife manufacturers here at a competitive disadvantage. Thank you so much to American Knife & Tool Institute for your strong advocacy in getting this bill across the finish line.” Rep. Martin Causer (R-67)
Pennsylvania HB 1929, signed recently by Governor Wolf, will be effective January 2, 2023, allowing for the manufacture, sale, and possession of a valuable tool – the automatic knife.
“The passage and signing of HB 1929 represent continued progress in the view that folding knives are tools regardless of how they are opened. AKTI is grateful that Pennsylvania is the 45th state to take the position that one-handed knives provide a valuable utility to knife owners across this great nation, said Mark Schreiber, President CRKT and AKTI President. “We appreciate Representative Causer, Governor Wolf, and the entire Pennsylvania legislature for their thoughtful consideration of this issue.”
Adding Pennsylvania to the growing list of states that have removed knife restrictions is a great win for the American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI). Several previous legislative initiatives failed due to a lack of support, cooperation, and interference. “Our success this time is largely due to the tremendous engagement and legislative advocacy of our member W. R. Case,” noted CJ Buck, CEO Buck Knives and AKTI Legislative Committee Chair. “Having a constituent working with their legislator cooperatively with our team was key to HB 1929 becoming law.”
“We first met with our PA State Representative, Martin Causer, in March of 2021 at the Zippo/Case Museum & Flagship Store in Bradford, Pennsylvania, to ask for his help in removing the prohibition on automatic knives,” remarked John Sullivan, Director of Compliance of Zippo Manufacturing Company & W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company and Vice President of American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI). “From there, we began onboarding several Pennsylvania manufacturers, sportsmen’s groups, and trade unions into a coalition to help ensure our success when previous efforts had fallen short. Together with Representative Causer’s leadership and the team at AKTI, and particularly David Garriepy with Tremont Strategies, who worked on the government affairs side, we got HB1929 passed. This is a great day for Pennsylvania knife owners and enthusiasts, who have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to purchase a Case-branded auto knife that could be made right here in Bradford, Pennsylvania.”
Until January 2, 2023, the manufacture, sale, and possession, except as a curio, of an automatic knife is not legal.
Stay up to date on the automatic knife laws and the laws in every state on our website www.stateknifelaws.com.
Pennsylvania Knife Laws
State Auto-Open Laws
Pennsylvania Auto Repeal Passes Legislature
AKTI Works for Pennsylvania Knife Law Changes