UPDATE: June 27, 2019 – SB 140 Passed Ohio Senate 32-1.
Legislation Would Eliminate the Current Prohibition on the Possession, Manufacture, and Sale of Automatic, Springblade and Gravity Knives
May 1, 2019 – The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) today applauded the introduction of SB 140, which would repeal Ohio’s prohibition on the manufacture, possession, and sale of automatic knives in the state. The bill, sponsored by Senator Joe Uecker, R-OH 14, will repeal the burdensome and confusing state laws that impede on the rights of law-abiding citizens of Ohio. The legislation will remove the prohibitions on these tools in the Ohio Revised Code and clarify that they are not classified as deadly weapons in the state.

“Anyone who has worked with their hands knows the utility and importance of being able to open your knife while your other hand is occupied with something else—whether that is holding a rope, or you are in an emergency situation and are injured,” said Uecker. “As with many other things, these are simply tools that have intended purposes, and Ohio tradesmen and manufacturers should not be the victims of their potential misuse. Allowing knives to be made in Ohio that are used by Ohioans simply makes sense.”
“We thank Senator Uecker for his introduction of this bill, and continued leadership on behalf of law-abiding knife owners throughout Ohio,” said CJ Buck, President of AKTI. “We are calling on the Ohio legislature to take swift action in passing this bill. This legislation is in keeping with the ways in which Ohio residents use their knives for legal occupational and recreational activities, and removes the constant confusion on which knives are legal in the state under the current, convoluted Ohio laws.”
“This legislation will not only allow Ohio residents and visitors to use a valuable tool, it will mean Ohio businesses can have a share of the huge market for automatic knives,” said Rick Hinderer, owner of Rick Hinderer Knives, a Shreve, Ohio, knife company. “With the majority of states allowing consumers to own this type of knife, passage of SB 140 will mean that we have an opportunity expand our knife line offerings and possibly as much as double the number of jobs we offer, increasing our business and the economic impact of our industry in Ohio.”
AKTI will work with Senator Uecker and the Ohio legislature to ensure passage of this bill as quickly as possible.
Text of SB 140
Ohio State Knife Laws